3D GFX.iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
1,520 lines
* "Irit" - the 3d (not only polygonal) solid modeller. *
* *
* Written by: Gershon Elber Ver 0.2, Mar. 1990 *
* Module to generate the geometric primitives defined in the system. The *
* primitives currently defined are: *
* 1. BOX - main planes parallel box. *
* 2. GBOX - generalized box - 6 arbitrary planes. *
* 3. CYLIN - cylinder with any main direction. *
* 4. CONE, CONE2 - cone with any main direction (two bases). *
* 5. SPHERE *
* 6. TORUS - with any main direction. *
* 7. PLANE - non closed, single polygon object: circle with resolution edges *
* 8. POLY - directly define single polygon object by specifing its vertices. *
* In addition, the following lower level operations are defined to create *
* objects - EXTRUDE, and SURFREV, both require a polygon and a vector to *
* extrude/rotate the polygon along. *
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "irit_sm.h"
#include "geomat3d.h"
#include "allocate.h"
#include "attribut.h"
#include "convex.h"
#include "primitiv.h"
static int GlblResolution = 16;
static IPPolygonStruct *GenInsidePoly(IPPolygonStruct *Pl);
static IPPolygonStruct *GenPolygon4Vrtx(VectorType V1,
VectorType V2,
VectorType V3,
VectorType V4,
VectorType Vin,
IPPolygonStruct *Pnext);
static IPPolygonStruct *GenPolygon3Vrtx(VectorType V1,
VectorType V2,
VectorType V3,
VectorType Vin,
IPPolygonStruct *Pnext);
static void UpdateVertexNormal(NormalType Normal,
PointType Pt,
PointType InPt,
int Perpendicular,
PointType PerpPt);
* Routine to create a BOX geometric object defined by Pt - the minimum V
* 3d point, and Width - Dx Dy & Dz vector. 4 V
* Order of vertices is as 5 7 V
* follows in the picture: | 6 | V
* | | | V
* (Note vertex 0 is hidden behind edge 2-6) | | | V
* 1 | 3 V
* 2 V
* All dimensions can be negative, denoting the reversed direction. M
* *
* Pt: Low end corner of BOX. M
* WidthX: Width of BOX (X axis). M
* WidthY: Depth of BOX( Y axis). M
* WidthZ: Height of BOX( Z axis). M
* *
* IPObjectStruct *: A BOX primitive M
* *
* PrimGenBOXObject, box, primitives M
IPObjectStruct *PrimGenBOXObject(VectorType Pt,
RealType WidthX,
RealType WidthY,
RealType WidthZ)
VectorType Dir1, Dir2, Dir3;
PT_CLEAR(Dir1); Dir1[0] = WidthX; /* Prepare direction vectors. */
PT_CLEAR(Dir2); Dir2[1] = WidthY; /* Parallel to main axes. */
PT_CLEAR(Dir3); Dir3[2] = WidthZ; /* For GBOX call. */
return PrimGenGBOXObject(Pt, Dir1, Dir2, Dir3);
* Routine to create a GBOX geometric object defined by Pt - the minimum M
* 3d point, and 3 direction Vectors Dir1, Dir2, Dir3. M
* If two of the direction vectors are parallel the GBOX degenerates to M
* a zero volume object. A NULL pointer is returned in that case. M
* 4 V
* Order of vertices is as 5 7 V
* follows in the picture: | 6 | V
* | | | V
* (Note vertex 0 is hidden behind edge 2-6) | | | V
* 1 | 3 V
* 2 V
* *
* Pt: Low end corner of GBOX. M
* Dir1, Dir2, Dir3: Three independent directional vectors to define GBOX. M
* *
* IPObjectStruct *: A GBOX primitive. M
* *
* PrimGenGBOXObject, general box, box, primitives M
IPObjectStruct *PrimGenGBOXObject(VectorType Pt,
VectorType Dir1,
VectorType Dir2,
VectorType Dir3)
int i;
VectorType Temp;
VectorType V[8]; /* Hold 8 vertices of BOX. */
IPVertexStruct *PVertex;
IPPolygonStruct *PPolygon;
IPObjectStruct *PBox;
GMVecCrossProd(Temp, Dir1, Dir2);
if (APX_EQ(PT_LENGTH(Temp), 0.0))
return NULL;
GMVecCrossProd(Temp, Dir2, Dir3);
if (APX_EQ(PT_LENGTH(Temp), 0.0))
return NULL;
GMVecCrossProd(Temp, Dir3, Dir1);
if (APX_EQ(PT_LENGTH(Temp), 0.0))
return NULL;
/* Also the 0..7 sequence is binary decoded such that bit 0 is Dir1, */
/* bit 1 Dir2, and bit 2 is Dir3 increment: */
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
PT_COPY(V[i], Pt);
if (i & 1)
PT_ADD(V[i], V[i], Dir1);
if (i & 2)
PT_ADD(V[i], V[i], Dir2);
if (i & 4)
PT_ADD(V[i], V[i], Dir3);
PBox = GenPolyObject("", NULL, NULL); /* Generate the BOX object itself: */
/* And generate the 6 polygons (Bottom, top and 4 sides in this order): */
PBox -> U.Pl = GenPolygon4Vrtx(V[0], V[1], V[3], V[2], V[4], PBox -> U.Pl);
PBox -> U.Pl = GenPolygon4Vrtx(V[6], V[7], V[5], V[4], V[0], PBox -> U.Pl);
PBox -> U.Pl = GenPolygon4Vrtx(V[4], V[5], V[1], V[0], V[2], PBox -> U.Pl);
PBox -> U.Pl = GenPolygon4Vrtx(V[5], V[7], V[3], V[1], V[0], PBox -> U.Pl);
PBox -> U.Pl = GenPolygon4Vrtx(V[7], V[6], V[2], V[3], V[1], PBox -> U.Pl);
PBox -> U.Pl = GenPolygon4Vrtx(V[6], V[4], V[0], V[2], V[3], PBox -> U.Pl);
/* Update the vertices normals using the polygon plane equation: */
for (PPolygon = PBox -> U.Pl;
PPolygon != NULL;
PPolygon = PPolygon -> Pnext) {
PVertex = PPolygon -> PVertex;
do {
PT_COPY(PVertex -> Normal, PPolygon -> Plane);
PVertex = PVertex -> Pnext;
while (PVertex != PPolygon -> PVertex);
return PBox;
* Routine to create a CONE geometric object defined by Pt - the base M
* 3d center point, Dir - the cone direction and height, and base radius R. M
* See also PrimSetResolution on fineness control of approximation of the M
* primitive using flat faces. M
* *
* Pt: Center location of Base of CONE. M
* Dir: Direction and distance from Pt to apex of CONE. M
* R: Radius of Base of the cone. M
* *
* IPObjectStruct *: A CONE Primitive. M
* *
* PrimGenCONEObject, cone, primitives M
IPObjectStruct *PrimGenCONEObject(VectorType Pt, VectorType Dir, RealType R)
int i;
RealType Angle, AngleStep;
PointType LastCirclePt, CirclePt, ApexPt;
NormalType LastCircleNrml, CircleNrml, ApexNrml;
MatrixType Mat;
IPVertexStruct *VBase, *PVertex;
IPPolygonStruct *PBase;
IPObjectStruct *PCone;
CGGenTransMatrixZ2Dir(Mat, Pt, Dir, R); /* Transform from unit circle. */
PT_COPY(ApexPt, Pt); /* Find the apex point: Pt + Dir. */
PT_ADD(ApexPt, ApexPt, Dir);
PCone = GenPolyObject("", NULL, NULL); /* Gen. the CONE object itself: */
/* Also allocate the base polygon header with first vertex on it: */
PBase = IPAllocPolygon(0, 0, VBase = IPAllocVertex(0, 0, NULL, NULL), NULL);
LastCirclePt[0] = 1.0; /* First point is allways Angle = 0. */
LastCirclePt[1] = 0.0;
LastCirclePt[2] = 0.0;
MatMultVecby4by4(LastCirclePt, LastCirclePt, Mat);
UpdateVertexNormal(LastCircleNrml, LastCirclePt, Pt, TRUE, ApexPt);
PT_COPY(VBase -> Coord, LastCirclePt);/* Update first pt in base polygon.*/
PT_COPY(VBase -> Normal, Dir);
AngleStep = M_PI * 2 / GlblResolution;
for (i = 1; i <= GlblResolution; i++) { /* Pass the whole base circle. */
Angle = AngleStep * i; /* Prevent from additive error. */
CirclePt[0] = cos(Angle);
CirclePt[1] = sin(Angle);
CirclePt[2] = 0.0;
MatMultVecby4by4(CirclePt, CirclePt, Mat);
UpdateVertexNormal(CircleNrml, CirclePt, Pt, TRUE, ApexPt);
PCone -> U.Pl = GenPolygon3Vrtx(LastCirclePt, ApexPt,
CirclePt, Pt, PCone -> U.Pl);
/* Update the normals for this cone side polygon vertices: */
PVertex = PCone -> U.Pl -> PVertex;
PT_COPY(PVertex -> Normal, LastCircleNrml);
PVertex = PVertex -> Pnext;
/* The apex normal is the average of the two base vertices: */
PT_ADD(ApexNrml, CircleNrml, LastCircleNrml);
PT_COPY(PVertex -> Normal, ApexNrml);
PVertex = PVertex -> Pnext;
PT_COPY(PVertex -> Normal, CircleNrml);
/* And add this vertex to base polygon: */
if (i == GlblResolution) /* Its last point - make it circular. */
VBase -> Pnext = PBase -> PVertex;
else {
VBase -> Pnext = IPAllocVertex(0, 0, NULL, NULL);
VBase = VBase -> Pnext;
PT_COPY(VBase -> Normal, Dir);
PT_COPY(VBase -> Coord, CirclePt);
PT_COPY(LastCirclePt, CirclePt);/* Save pt in last pt for next time. */
PT_COPY(LastCircleNrml, CircleNrml);
/* Update base polygon plane equation. */
IritPrsrUpdatePolyPlane2(PBase, ApexPt);
IP_SET_CONVEX_POLY(PBase); /* Mark it as convex polygon. */
PBase -> Pnext = PCone -> U.Pl; /* And stick it into the cone polygons. */
PCone -> U.Pl = PBase;
return PCone;
* Routine to create a truncated CONE, CON2, geometric object defined by M
* Pt - the base 3d center point, Dir - the cone direction and height, and M
* two base radii R1 and R2. M
* See also PrimSetResolution on fineness control of approximation of the M
* primitive using flat faces. M
* *
* Pt: Center location of Base of CON2. M
* Dir: Direction and distance from Pt to center of other base of CON2. M
* R1, R2: Two base radii of the truncated CON2 M
* *
* IPObjectStruct *: A CON2 Primitive. M
* *
* PrimGenCONE2Object, cone, primitives M
IPObjectStruct *PrimGenCONE2Object(VectorType Pt,
VectorType Dir,
RealType R1,
RealType R2)
int i;
RealType Angle, AngleStep;
PointType LastCirclePt, CirclePt, ApexPt, LastApexPt1, ApexPt1;
NormalType LastCircleNrml, CircleNrml;
VectorType InvDir;
MatrixType Mat1, Mat2;
IPVertexStruct *VBase1, *VBase2, *PVertex;
IPPolygonStruct *PBase1, *PBase2;
IPObjectStruct *PCone;
PT_COPY(ApexPt, Pt); /* Find the apex point: Pt + Dir. */
PT_ADD(ApexPt, ApexPt, Dir);
PT_COPY(InvDir, Dir);
PT_SCALE(InvDir, -1.0);
CGGenTransMatrixZ2Dir(Mat1, Pt, Dir, R1); /* Trans. from unit circle. */
CGGenTransMatrixZ2Dir(Mat2, ApexPt, Dir, R2);
PCone = GenPolyObject("", NULL, NULL); /* Gen. the CONE object itself: */
/* Also allocate the base polygon header with first vertex on it: */
PBase1 = IPAllocPolygon(0, 0,
VBase1 = IPAllocVertex(0, 0, NULL, NULL), NULL);
PBase2 = IPAllocPolygon(0, 0,
VBase2 = IPAllocVertex(0, 0, NULL, NULL), NULL);
/* First point is allways at Angle = 0. */
LastCirclePt[0] = LastApexPt1[0] = 1.0;
LastCirclePt[1] = LastApexPt1[1] = 0.0;
LastCirclePt[2] = LastApexPt1[2] = 0.0;
MatMultVecby4by4(LastCirclePt, LastCirclePt, Mat1);
MatMultVecby4by4(LastApexPt1, LastApexPt1, Mat2);
UpdateVertexNormal(LastCircleNrml, LastCirclePt, Pt, TRUE, ApexPt);
PT_COPY(VBase1 -> Coord, LastCirclePt);/* Update 1st pt in base1 polygon.*/
PT_COPY(VBase1 -> Normal, Dir);
PT_COPY(VBase2 -> Coord, LastApexPt1);/* Update 1st pt in base2 polygon. */
PT_COPY(VBase2 -> Normal, InvDir);
AngleStep = M_PI * 2 / GlblResolution;
for (i = 1; i <= GlblResolution; i++) { /* Pass the whole base circle. */
Angle = AngleStep * i; /* Prevent from additive error. */
CirclePt[0] = ApexPt1[0] = cos(Angle);
CirclePt[1] = ApexPt1[1] = sin(Angle);
CirclePt[2] = ApexPt1[2] = 0.0;
MatMultVecby4by4(CirclePt, CirclePt, Mat1);
MatMultVecby4by4(ApexPt1, ApexPt1, Mat2);
UpdateVertexNormal(CircleNrml, CirclePt, Pt, TRUE, ApexPt);
PCone -> U.Pl = GenPolygon4Vrtx(LastCirclePt, LastApexPt1, ApexPt1,
CirclePt, Pt, PCone -> U.Pl);
/* Update the normals for this cone side polygon vertices: */
PVertex = PCone -> U.Pl -> PVertex;
PT_COPY(PVertex -> Normal, LastCircleNrml);
PVertex = PVertex -> Pnext;
PT_COPY(PVertex -> Normal, LastCircleNrml );
PVertex = PVertex -> Pnext;
PT_COPY(PVertex -> Normal, CircleNrml);
PVertex = PVertex -> Pnext;
PT_COPY(PVertex -> Normal, CircleNrml);
/* And add these vertices to base polygons: */
if (i == GlblResolution) { /* Its last point - make it circular. */
VBase1 -> Pnext = PBase1 -> PVertex;
VBase2 -> Pnext = PBase2 -> PVertex;
else {
VBase1 -> Pnext = IPAllocVertex(0, 0, NULL, NULL);
VBase1 = VBase1 -> Pnext;
PT_COPY(VBase1 -> Coord, CirclePt);
PT_COPY(VBase1 -> Normal, Dir);
VBase2 -> Pnext = IPAllocVertex(0, 0, NULL, NULL);
VBase2 = VBase2 -> Pnext;
PT_COPY(VBase2 -> Coord, ApexPt1);
PT_COPY(VBase2 -> Normal, InvDir);
PT_COPY(LastCirclePt, CirclePt);/* Save pt in last pt for next time. */
PT_COPY(LastApexPt1, ApexPt1);
PT_COPY(LastCircleNrml, CircleNrml);
/* Update base polygon plane equation. */
IritPrsrUpdatePolyPlane2(PBase1, ApexPt);
IP_SET_CONVEX_POLY(PBase1); /* Mark it as convex polygon. */
/* Update base polygon plane equation. */
IritPrsrUpdatePolyPlane2(PBase2, Pt);
IP_SET_CONVEX_POLY(PBase2); /* Mark it as convex polygon. */
PBase1 -> Pnext = PCone -> U.Pl; /* And stick into the cone polygons. */
PCone -> U.Pl = PBase1;
PBase2 -> Pnext = PCone -> U.Pl;
PCone -> U.Pl = PBase2;
return PCone;
* Routine to create a CYLINder geometric object defined by Pt - the base M
* 3d center point, Dir - the cylinder direction and height, and radius R. M
* See also PrimSetResolution on fineness control of approximation of the M
* primitive using flat faces. M
* *
* Pt: Center location of Base of CYLINder. M
* Dir: Direction and distance from Pt to other base of cylinder. M
* R: Radius of Base of the cylinder. M
* *
* IPObjectStruct *: A CYLINDER Primitive. M
* *
* PrimGenCYLINObject, cylinder, primitives M
IPObjectStruct *PrimGenCYLINObject(VectorType Pt, VectorType Dir, RealType R)
int i;
RealType Angle, AngleStep;
PointType LastCirclePt, CirclePt, TLastCirclePt, TCirclePt, TPt, Dummy;
VectorType ForwardDir, BackwardDir;
NormalType LastCircleNrml, CircleNrml;
MatrixType Mat;
IPVertexStruct *VBase1, *VBase2, *PVertex;
IPPolygonStruct *PBase1, *PBase2;
IPObjectStruct *PCylin;
CGGenTransMatrixZ2Dir(Mat, Pt, Dir, R); /* Transform from unit circle. */
PCylin = GenPolyObject("", NULL, NULL); /* Gen. the CYLIN object itself: */
/* Also allocate the bases polygon header with first vertex on it: */
PBase1 = IPAllocPolygon(0, 0,
VBase1 = IPAllocVertex(0, 0, NULL, NULL), NULL);
PBase2 = IPAllocPolygon(0, 0,
VBase2 = IPAllocVertex(0, 0, NULL, NULL), NULL);
PT_ADD(TPt, Pt, Dir); /* Translated circle center (by Dir). */
/* Prepare the normal directions for the two bases: */
PT_COPY(ForwardDir, Dir);
PT_COPY(BackwardDir, ForwardDir);
PT_SCALE(BackwardDir, -1.0);
LastCirclePt[0] = 1.0; /* First point is allways Angle = 0. */
LastCirclePt[1] = 0.0;
LastCirclePt[2] = 0.0;
MatMultVecby4by4(LastCirclePt, LastCirclePt, Mat);
UpdateVertexNormal(LastCircleNrml, LastCirclePt, Pt, FALSE, Dummy);
PT_COPY(VBase1 -> Coord, LastCirclePt);/* Update 1st pt in base1 polygon.*/
PT_COPY(VBase1 -> Normal, ForwardDir);
PT_ADD(TLastCirclePt, LastCirclePt, Dir); /* Translated circle (by Dir). */
PT_COPY(VBase2 -> Coord, TLastCirclePt);/*Update 1st pt in base2 polygon.*/
PT_COPY(VBase2 -> Normal, BackwardDir);
AngleStep = M_PI * 2 / GlblResolution;
for (i = 1; i <= GlblResolution; i++) { /* Pass the whole base circle. */
Angle = AngleStep * i; /* Prevent from additive error. */
CirclePt[0] = cos(Angle);
CirclePt[1] = sin(Angle);
CirclePt[2] = 0.0;
MatMultVecby4by4(CirclePt, CirclePt, Mat);
UpdateVertexNormal(CircleNrml, CirclePt, Pt, FALSE, Dummy);
PT_ADD(TCirclePt, CirclePt, Dir); /* Translated circle (by Dir). */
PCylin -> U.Pl = GenPolygon4Vrtx(TLastCirclePt, TCirclePt, CirclePt,
LastCirclePt, Pt, PCylin -> U.Pl);
/* Update the normals for this cylinder side polygon vertices: */
PVertex = PCylin -> U.Pl -> PVertex;
PT_COPY(PVertex -> Normal, LastCircleNrml);
PVertex = PVertex -> Pnext;
PT_COPY(PVertex -> Normal, CircleNrml);
PVertex = PVertex -> Pnext;
PT_COPY(PVertex -> Normal, CircleNrml);
PVertex = PVertex -> Pnext;
PT_COPY(PVertex -> Normal, LastCircleNrml);
/* And add this vertices to the two cylinder bases: */
/* Note Base1 is build forward, while Base2 is build backward so it */
/* will be consistent - cross product of 2 consecutive edges will */
/* point into the model. */
if (i == GlblResolution) { /* Its last point - make it circular. */
VBase1 -> Pnext = PBase1 -> PVertex;
VBase2 -> Pnext = PBase2 -> PVertex;
else {
VBase1 -> Pnext = IPAllocVertex(0, 0, NULL, NULL);
VBase1 = VBase1 -> Pnext;
PT_COPY(VBase1 -> Coord, CirclePt);
PT_COPY(VBase1 -> Normal, ForwardDir);
PBase2 -> PVertex = IPAllocVertex(0, 0, NULL, PBase2 -> PVertex);
PT_COPY(PBase2 -> PVertex -> Coord, TCirclePt);
PT_COPY(PBase2 -> PVertex -> Normal, BackwardDir);
PT_COPY(LastCirclePt, CirclePt);/* Save pt in last pt for next time. */
PT_COPY(TLastCirclePt, TCirclePt);
PT_COPY(LastCircleNrml, CircleNrml);
/* Update base polygon plane equation. */
IritPrsrUpdatePolyPlane2(PBase1, TPt);
IP_SET_CONVEX_POLY(PBase1); /* Mark it as convex polygon. */
PBase1 -> Pnext = PCylin -> U.Pl; /* And stick it into cylin polygons. */
PCylin -> U.Pl = PBase1;
/* Update base polygon plane equation. */
IritPrsrUpdatePolyPlane2(PBase2, Pt);
IP_SET_CONVEX_POLY(PBase2); /* Mark it as convex polygon. */
PBase2 -> Pnext = PCylin -> U.Pl; /* And stick it into cylin polygons. */
PCylin -> U.Pl = PBase2;
return PCylin;
* Routine to create a SPHERE geometric object defined by Center, the M
* center of the sphere and R, its radius. M
* See also PrimSetResolution on fineness control of approximation of the M
* primitive using flat faces. M
* *
* Center: Center location of SPHERE. M
* R Radius of sphere. M
* *
* IPObjectStruct *: A SPHERE Primitive. M
* *
* PrimGenSPHEREObject, sphere, primitives M
IPObjectStruct *PrimGenSPHEREObject(VectorType Center, RealType R)
int i, j, k;
RealType TetaAngle, TetaAngleStep, FeeAngle, FeeAngleStep,
CosFeeAngle1, SinFeeAngle1, CosFeeAngle2, SinFeeAngle2;
PointType LastCircleLastPt, LastCirclePt, CirclePt, CircleLastPt, Dummy;
IPVertexStruct *PVertex;
IPObjectStruct *PSphere;
PSphere = GenPolyObject("", NULL, NULL);/* Gen the SPHERE object itself: */
TetaAngleStep = M_PI * 2.0 / GlblResolution; /* Runs from 0 to 2*PI. */
FeeAngleStep = M_PI * 2.0 / GlblResolution; /* Runs from -PI/2 yo +PI/2. */
/* Generate the lowest (south pole) triangular polygons: */
FeeAngle = (-M_PI/2.0) + FeeAngleStep; /* First circle above south pole. */
CosFeeAngle1 = cos(FeeAngle) * R;
SinFeeAngle1 = sin(FeeAngle) * R;
PT_COPY(LastCirclePt, Center); /* Calculate the south pole. */
LastCirclePt[2] -= R;
PT_COPY(CircleLastPt, Center); /* Calc. last point on current circle. */
CircleLastPt[0] += CosFeeAngle1;
CircleLastPt[2] += SinFeeAngle1;
for (i = 1; i <= GlblResolution; i++) {/* Pass whole (horizontal) circle.*/
TetaAngle = TetaAngleStep * i; /* Prevent from additive error. */
PT_COPY(CirclePt, Center); /* Calc. current point on current circle. */
CirclePt[0] += cos(TetaAngle) * CosFeeAngle1;
CirclePt[1] += sin(TetaAngle) * CosFeeAngle1;
CirclePt[2] += SinFeeAngle1;
PSphere -> U.Pl = GenPolygon3Vrtx(LastCirclePt, CircleLastPt,
CirclePt, Center, PSphere -> U.Pl);
/* Update normals: */
for (j = 0, PVertex = PSphere -> U.Pl -> PVertex;
j < 3;
j++, PVertex = PVertex -> Pnext) {
UpdateVertexNormal(PVertex -> Normal, PVertex -> Coord, Center,
FALSE, Dummy);
PT_COPY(CircleLastPt, CirclePt);/* Save pt in last pt for next time. */
/* Generate the middle rectangular polygons: */
for (i = 1; i < GlblResolution / 2 - 1; i++) {/* For all horiz. circles. */
FeeAngle = (-M_PI/2.0) + FeeAngleStep * i;
CosFeeAngle1 = cos(FeeAngle) * R;
SinFeeAngle1 = sin(FeeAngle) * R;
FeeAngle = (-M_PI/2.0) + FeeAngleStep * (i + 1);
CosFeeAngle2 = cos(FeeAngle) * R;
SinFeeAngle2 = sin(FeeAngle) * R;
PT_COPY(CircleLastPt, Center);/* Calc. last point on current circle. */
CircleLastPt[0] += CosFeeAngle2;
CircleLastPt[2] += SinFeeAngle2;
PT_COPY(LastCircleLastPt, Center);/* Calc. last point on last circle.*/
LastCircleLastPt[0] += CosFeeAngle1;
LastCircleLastPt[2] += SinFeeAngle1;
for (j = 1; j <= GlblResolution; j++) {/* Pass whole (horiz.) circle.*/
TetaAngle = TetaAngleStep * j; /* Prevent from additive error. */
PT_COPY(CirclePt, Center);/* Calc. current pt on current circle. */
CirclePt[0] += cos(TetaAngle) * CosFeeAngle2;
CirclePt[1] += sin(TetaAngle) * CosFeeAngle2;
CirclePt[2] += SinFeeAngle2;
PT_COPY(LastCirclePt, Center);/* Calc. current pt on last circle.*/
LastCirclePt[0] += cos(TetaAngle) * CosFeeAngle1;
LastCirclePt[1] += sin(TetaAngle) * CosFeeAngle1;
LastCirclePt[2] += SinFeeAngle1;
PSphere -> U.Pl = GenPolygon4Vrtx(LastCirclePt, LastCircleLastPt,
CircleLastPt, CirclePt, Center, PSphere -> U.Pl);
/* Update normals: */
for (k = 0, PVertex = PSphere -> U.Pl -> PVertex;
k < 4;
k++, PVertex = PVertex -> Pnext) {
UpdateVertexNormal(PVertex -> Normal, PVertex -> Coord, Center,
FALSE, Dummy);
PT_COPY(CircleLastPt, CirclePt); /* Save pt in last pt. */
PT_COPY(LastCircleLastPt, LastCirclePt);
/* Generate the upper most (north pole) triangular polygons: */
FeeAngle = (M_PI/2.0) - FeeAngleStep; /* First circle below north pole. */
CosFeeAngle1 = cos(FeeAngle) * R;
SinFeeAngle1 = sin(FeeAngle) * R;
PT_COPY(LastCirclePt, Center); /* Calculate the north pole. */
LastCirclePt[2] += R;
PT_COPY(CircleLastPt, Center); /* Calc. last point on current circle. */
CircleLastPt[0] += CosFeeAngle1;
CircleLastPt[2] += SinFeeAngle1;
for (i = 1; i <= GlblResolution; i++) {/* Pass whole (horizontal) circle.*/
TetaAngle = TetaAngleStep * i; /* Prevent from additive error. */
PT_COPY(CirclePt, Center); /* Calc. current point on current circle. */
CirclePt[0] += cos(TetaAngle) * CosFeeAngle1;
CirclePt[1] += sin(TetaAngle) * CosFeeAngle1;
CirclePt[2] += SinFeeAngle1;
PSphere -> U.Pl = GenPolygon3Vrtx(LastCirclePt, CirclePt, CircleLastPt,
Center, PSphere -> U.Pl);
/* Update normals: */
for (j = 0, PVertex = PSphere -> U.Pl -> PVertex;
j < 3;
j++, PVertex = PVertex -> Pnext) {
UpdateVertexNormal(PVertex -> Normal, PVertex -> Coord, Center,
FALSE, Dummy);
PT_COPY(CircleLastPt, CirclePt);/* Save pt in last pt for next time. */
return PSphere;
* Routine to create a TORUS geometric object defined by Center - torus 3d M
* center point, the main torus plane normal Normal, major radius Rmajor and M
* minor radius Rminor (Tube radius). M
* Teta runs on the major circle, Fee on the minor one. Then M
* X = (Rmajor + Rminor * cos(Fee)) * cos(Teta) V
* Y = (Rmajor + Rminor * cos(Fee)) * sin(Teta) V
* Z = Rminor * sin(Fee) V
* See also PrimSetResolution on fineness control of approximation of the M
* primitive using flat faces. M
* *
* Center: Center location of the TORUS primitive. M
* Normal: Normal to the major plane of the torus. M
* Rmajor: Major radius of torus. M
* Rminor: Minor radius of torus. M
* *
* IPObjectStruct *: A TOURS Primitive. M
* *
* PrimGenTORUSObject, torus, primitives M
IPObjectStruct *PrimGenTORUSObject(VectorType Center,
VectorType Normal,
RealType Rmajor,
RealType Rminor)
int i, j;
RealType TetaAngle, TetaAngleStep, FeeAngle, FeeAngleStep,
CosFeeAngle1, SinFeeAngle1, CosFeeAngle2, SinFeeAngle2;
PointType LastCircleLastPt, LastCirclePt, CirclePt, CircleLastPt,
LastInPt, InPt, Dummy;
MatrixType Mat;
IPVertexStruct *PVertex;
IPObjectStruct *PTorus;
CGGenTransMatrixZ2Dir(Mat, Center, Normal, 1.0);/* Trans from unit circ. */
PTorus = GenPolyObject("", NULL, NULL); /* Gen. the Torus object itself: */
TetaAngleStep = M_PI * 2.0 / GlblResolution; /* Runs from 0 to 2*PI. */
FeeAngleStep = M_PI * 2.0 / GlblResolution; /* Runs from 0 to 2*PI. */
for (i = 1; i <= GlblResolution; i++) {
FeeAngle = FeeAngleStep * (i - 1);
CosFeeAngle1 = cos(FeeAngle) * Rminor;
SinFeeAngle1 = sin(FeeAngle) * Rminor;
FeeAngle = FeeAngleStep * i;
CosFeeAngle2 = cos(FeeAngle) * Rminor;
SinFeeAngle2 = sin(FeeAngle) * Rminor;
LastCircleLastPt[0] = Rmajor + CosFeeAngle1;
LastCircleLastPt[1] = 0.0;
LastCircleLastPt[2] = SinFeeAngle1;
MatMultVecby4by4(LastCircleLastPt, LastCircleLastPt, Mat);
LastCirclePt[0] = Rmajor + CosFeeAngle2;
LastCirclePt[1] = 0.0;
LastCirclePt[2] = SinFeeAngle2;
MatMultVecby4by4(LastCirclePt, LastCirclePt, Mat);
/* Point inside the object relative to this polygon: */
LastInPt[0] = Rmajor;
LastInPt[1] = 0.0;
LastInPt[2] = 0.0;
MatMultVecby4by4(LastInPt, LastInPt, Mat);
for (j = 1; j <= GlblResolution; j++) {
TetaAngle = TetaAngleStep * j; /* Prevent from additive error. */
CircleLastPt[0] = (Rmajor + CosFeeAngle1) * cos(TetaAngle);
CircleLastPt[1] = (Rmajor + CosFeeAngle1) * sin(TetaAngle);
CircleLastPt[2] = SinFeeAngle1;
MatMultVecby4by4(CircleLastPt, CircleLastPt, Mat);
CirclePt[0] = (Rmajor + CosFeeAngle2) * cos(TetaAngle);
CirclePt[1] = (Rmajor + CosFeeAngle2) * sin(TetaAngle);
CirclePt[2] = SinFeeAngle2;
MatMultVecby4by4(CirclePt, CirclePt, Mat);
/* Point inside the object relative to this polygon: */
InPt[0] = Rmajor * cos(TetaAngle);
InPt[1] = Rmajor * sin(TetaAngle);
InPt[2] = 0.0;
MatMultVecby4by4(InPt, InPt, Mat);
PTorus -> U.Pl = GenPolygon4Vrtx(CirclePt, CircleLastPt,
LastCircleLastPt, LastCirclePt, InPt, PTorus -> U.Pl);
/* Update normals: */
PVertex = PTorus -> U.Pl -> PVertex;
UpdateVertexNormal(PVertex -> Normal, PVertex -> Coord, InPt,
FALSE, Dummy);
PVertex = PVertex -> Pnext;
UpdateVertexNormal(PVertex -> Normal, PVertex -> Coord, InPt,
FALSE, Dummy);
PVertex = PVertex -> Pnext;
UpdateVertexNormal(PVertex -> Normal, PVertex -> Coord, LastInPt,
FALSE, Dummy);
PVertex = PVertex -> Pnext;
UpdateVertexNormal(PVertex -> Normal, PVertex -> Coord, LastInPt,
FALSE, Dummy);
PT_COPY(LastCirclePt, CirclePt); /* Save pt in last pt. */
PT_COPY(LastCircleLastPt, CircleLastPt);
PT_COPY(LastInPt, InPt);
return PTorus;
* Routine to create a POLYDISK geometric object defined by the normal N M
* and the translation vector T. The object is a planar disk (a circle of M
* GlblResolution points in it...) and its radius is equal to R. M
* The normal direction is assumed to point to the inside of the object. M
* See also PrimSetResolution on fineness control of approximation of the M
* primitive using flat faces. M
* *
* N: Normal to the plane this disk included in. M
* T: A translation factor of the center of the disk. M
* R: Radius of teh disk. M
* *
* IPObjectStruct *: A single polygon object - a disk. M
* *
* PrimGenPOLYDISKObject, disk, primitives M
IPObjectStruct *PrimGenPOLYDISKObject(VectorType N, VectorType T, RealType R)
int i;
RealType Angle, AngleStep;
PointType CirclePt;
MatrixType Mat;
IPVertexStruct *V;
IPPolygonStruct *PCirc;
IPObjectStruct *PPDisk;
CGGenTransMatrixZ2Dir(Mat, T, N, R); /* Transform from unit circle. */
PPDisk = GenPolyObject("", NULL, NULL); /* Gen. the PLANE object itself: */
PCirc = IPAllocPolygon(0, 0, V = IPAllocVertex(0, 0, NULL, NULL), NULL);
PPDisk -> U.Pl = PCirc;
CirclePt[0] = 1.0; /* First point is allways Angle = 0. */
CirclePt[1] = 0.0;
CirclePt[2] = 0.0;
MatMultVecby4by4(CirclePt, CirclePt, Mat);
PT_COPY(V -> Coord, CirclePt); /* Update first pt in circle polygon. */
PT_COPY(V -> Normal, N);
AngleStep = M_PI * 2 / GlblResolution;
for (i = 1; i <= GlblResolution; i++) { /* Pass the whole base circle. */
Angle = AngleStep * i; /* Prevent from additive error. */
CirclePt[0] = cos(Angle);
CirclePt[1] = sin(Angle);
CirclePt[2] = 0.0;
MatMultVecby4by4(CirclePt, CirclePt, Mat);
/* And add this vertices to the two cylinder bases: */
if (i == GlblResolution) { /* Its last point - make it circular. */
V -> Pnext = PCirc -> PVertex;
else {
V -> Pnext = IPAllocVertex(0, 0, NULL, NULL);
V = V -> Pnext;
PT_COPY(V -> Coord, CirclePt);
PT_COPY(V -> Normal, N);
PT_ADD(CirclePt, CirclePt, N); /* Make a point "IN" the circle object. */
/* Update base polygon plane equation. */
IritPrsrUpdatePolyPlane2(PCirc, CirclePt);
IP_SET_CONVEX_POLY(PCirc); /* Mark it as convex polygon. */
return PPDisk;
* Routine to create a POLYGON/LINE directly from its specified vertices. M
* The validity of the elements in the provided list is tested to make sure M
* they are vectors or points. M
* No test is made to make sure all vertices are on one plane, and that no M
* two vertices are similar. M
* *
* PObjList: List of vertices/points to construct as a polygon/line. M
* IsPolyline: If TRUE, make a polyline, otherwise a polygon. M
* *
* IPObjectStruct *: A polygon/line constructed from PObjList. M
* *
* PrimGenPOLYGONObject, polygon, polyline, primitives M
IPObjectStruct *PrimGenPOLYGONObject(IPObjectStruct *PObjList, int IsPolyline)
int i,
NumVertices = 0;
IPVertexStruct *V, *VHead,
*VTail = NULL;
IPPolygonStruct *PPoly;
IPObjectStruct *PObj, *PObjPoly;
if (!IP_IS_OLST_OBJ(PObjList))
IritFatalError("GenPOLYObject: Not object list object!");
i = 0;
while ((PObj = ListObjectGet(PObjList, i++)) != NULL) {
if (!IP_IS_VEC_OBJ(PObj) &&
IritWarningError("None vector object found in list, empty object result.");
return NULL;
if (NumVertices < 2 + !IsPolyline) {
IritWarningError("Too few vertices, empty object result.");
return NULL;
PPoly = IPAllocPolygon(0, 0, VHead = NULL, NULL);
i = 0;
while ((PObj = ListObjectGet(PObjList, i++)) != NULL) {
V = IPAllocVertex(0, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (IP_IS_VEC_OBJ(PObj))
PT_COPY(V -> Coord, PObj -> U.Vec);
else if (IP_IS_POINT_OBJ(PObj))
PT_COPY(V -> Coord, PObj -> U.Pt);
else if (IP_IS_CTLPT_OBJ(PObj)) {
*PVec = IritPrsrCoerceObjectTo(PObj, IP_OBJ_VECTOR);
PT_COPY(V -> Coord, PVec -> U.Vec);
if (VHead == NULL) {
PPoly -> PVertex = VHead = VTail = V;
else {
VTail -> Pnext = V;
VTail = V;
PObjPoly = GenPolyObject("", NULL, NULL); /* Gen. POLY object itself: */
PObjPoly -> U.Pl = PPoly;
if (IsPolyline) {
else {
VTail -> Pnext = VHead; /* Close the vertex list loop. */
/* Update polygon plane equation and vertices normals. */
CGPlaneFrom3Points(PPoly -> Plane, VHead -> Coord,
VHead -> Pnext -> Coord,
VHead -> Pnext -> Pnext -> Coord);
V = VHead;
do {
PT_COPY(V -> Normal, PPoly -> Plane);
V = V -> Pnext;
while (V != VHead);
return PObjPoly;
* Routine to create an OBJECT directly from set of sspecified polygons. m
* No test is made for the validity of the model in any sense. M
* *
* PObjList: List of polygonal objects. M
* *
* IPObjectStruct *: A single object containing all polygons in all M
* provided objects, by a simple union. M
* *
* PrimGenObjectFromPolyList, primitives M
IPObjectStruct *PrimGenObjectFromPolyList(IPObjectStruct *PObjList)
int i;
IPPolygonStruct *PPoly,
*PTail = NULL;
IPObjectStruct *PObj, *PObjPoly;
if (!IP_IS_OLST_OBJ(PObjList))
IritFatalError("GenObjectFromPolyList: Not object list object!");
i = 0;
while ((PObj = ListObjectGet(PObjList, i++)) != NULL) {
if (!IP_IS_POLY_OBJ(PObj)) {
IritWarningError("None polygon object found in list, empty object result.");
return NULL;
PObjPoly = GenPolyObject("", NULL, NULL);/* Gen. the POLY object itself: */
i = 0;
while ((PObj = ListObjectGet(PObjList, i)) != NULL) {
if (i++ == 0) {
else {
IritWarningError("Polygons mixed with polylines.");
return NULL;
PPoly = CopyPolygonList(PObj -> U.Pl);
if (PTail == NULL) {
PObjPoly -> U.Pl = PPoly;
else {
PTail -> Pnext = PPoly;
for (PTail = PPoly; PTail -> Pnext != NULL; PTail = PTail -> Pnext);
return PObjPoly;
* Not supported. *
* *
* PObj: *
* *
* IPObjectStruct *: *
IPObjectStruct *PrimGenCROSSECObject(IPObjectStruct *PObj)
if (PObj && !IP_IS_POLY_OBJ(PObj))
IritFatalError("CrossSec: operation on non polygonal object");
IritWarningError("GenCrossSecObject not implemented");
return NULL;
* Routine to a create surface of revolution by rotating the given cross M
* section along the Z axis. M
* Input can either be a polygon/line or a freefrom curve object. M
* If input is a polyline/gon, it must never be coplanar with the Z axis. M
* See also PrimSetResolution on fineness control of approximation of the M
* primitive using flat faces. M
* *
* Cross: To rotate around the Z axis forming a surface of revolution. M
* *
* IPObjectStruct *: A surface of revolution. M
* *
* PrimGenSURFREVObject, surface of revolution, primitives M
IPObjectStruct *PrimGenSURFREVObject(IPObjectStruct *Cross)
int i, j;
RealType XYSize;
MatrixType Mat; /* Rotation Matrix around Z axes. */
IPVertexStruct *V, *V1, *V1Head, *V2, *V2Head, *VIn, *VInHead;
IPPolygonStruct *Pl1, *Pl2, *PlIn, *PlNew = NULL;
IPObjectStruct *PSurfRev;
if (!IP_IS_POLY_OBJ(Cross) && !IP_IS_CRV_OBJ(Cross)) {
IritWarningError("Cross section is not poly/crv. Empty object result");
return NULL;
if (IP_IS_POLY_OBJ(Cross)) {
if (APX_EQ(Cross -> U.Pl -> Plane[0], 0.0) &&
APX_EQ(Cross -> U.Pl -> Plane[1], 0.0)) {
IritWarningError("Cross-section perpendicular to Z. Empty object result");
return NULL;
Pl1 = IPAllocPolygon(0, 0,
V1Head = CopyVertexList(Cross -> U.Pl -> PVertex), NULL);
PLANE_COPY(Pl1 -> Plane, Cross -> U.Pl -> Plane);
Pl2 = IPAllocPolygon(0, 0,
V2Head = CopyVertexList(Cross -> U.Pl -> PVertex), NULL);
PLANE_COPY(Pl2 -> Plane, Cross -> U.Pl -> Plane);
PlIn = GenInsidePoly(Pl1);
VInHead = PlIn -> PVertex;
MatGenMatRotZ1(2.0 * M_PI / GlblResolution, Mat);
for (i = 0; i < GlblResolution; i++)
V2 = V2Head;
do {
MatMultVecby4by4(V2 -> Coord, V2 -> Coord , Mat);
V2 = V2 -> Pnext;
while (V2 != NULL && V2 != V2Head);
V1 = V1Head;
if (i < GlblResolution - 1) /* If this is last loop use original */
V2 = V2Head; /* poly as we might accumulate error during the */
else /* transformations along the circle. */
V2 = Cross -> U.Pl -> PVertex;
VIn = VInHead;
do {
PlNew = GenPolygon4Vrtx(V1 -> Coord, V1 -> Pnext -> Coord,
V2 -> Pnext -> Coord, V2 -> Coord,
VIn -> Coord, PlNew);
/* Update normals: */
for (j = 0, V = PlNew -> PVertex; j < 4; j++, V = V -> Pnext) {
V -> Normal[0] = V -> Coord[0];
V -> Normal[1] = V -> Coord[1];
V -> Normal[2] = 0.0;
/* Make sure normal does not point in opposite direction.*/
if (DOT_PROD(V -> Normal, PlNew -> Plane) < 0.0)
PT_SCALE(V -> Normal, -1.0);
/* Since Z normal component should be fixed for all normals: */
V -> Normal[2] = PlNew -> Plane[2];
XYSize = APX_EQ(ABS(PlNew -> Plane[2]), 1.0) ?
0.0 : 1 - SQR(PlNew -> Plane[2]);
XYSize = sqrt(XYSize / (SQR(V -> Coord[0]) +
SQR(V -> Coord[1])));
V -> Normal[0] *= XYSize;
V -> Normal[1] *= XYSize;
VIn = VIn -> Pnext;
V1 = V1 -> Pnext;
V2 = V2 -> Pnext;
while (V1 -> Pnext != NULL && V1 != V1Head);
V1 = V1Head;
do {
MatMultVecby4by4(V1 -> Coord, V1 -> Coord , Mat);
V1 = V1 -> Pnext;
while (V1 != NULL && V1 != V1Head);
VIn = VInHead;
do {
MatMultVecby4by4(VIn -> Coord, VIn -> Coord , Mat);
VIn = VIn -> Pnext;
while (VIn != NULL && VIn != VInHead);
PSurfRev = GenPolyObject("", NULL, NULL);
PSurfRev -> U.Pl = PlNew;
return PSurfRev;
else if (IP_IS_CRV_OBJ(Cross)) {
if (CAGD_NUM_OF_PT_COORD(Cross -> U.Crvs -> PType) < 3) {
IritWarningError("Cross-section perpendicular to Z. Empty object result");
return NULL;
PSurfRev = GenSRFObject(CagdSurfaceRev(Cross -> U.Crvs));
return PSurfRev;
return NULL;
* Routine to a create an extrusion surface out of the given cross section M
* and the given direction. M
* Input can either be a polygon/line or a freefrom curve object. M
* If input is a polyline/gon, it must never be coplanar with Dir. M
* See also PrimSetResolution on fineness control of approximation of the M
* primitive using flat faces. M
* M
* Cross: To extrude in direction Dir. M
* Dir: Direction and magnitude of extrusion. M
* *
* IPObjectStruct *: An extrusion surface. M
* *
* PrimGenEXTRUDEObject, extrusion surface, primitives M
IPObjectStruct *PrimGenEXTRUDEObject(IPObjectStruct *Cross, VectorType Dir)
int i;
RealType R;
CagdVecStruct CagdDir;
IPVertexStruct *V1, *V1Head, *V2, *VIn;
IPPolygonStruct *PBase1, *PBase2, *Pl, *PlIn;
IPObjectStruct *PExtrude;
if (!IP_IS_POLY_OBJ(Cross) && !IP_IS_CRV_OBJ(Cross)) {
IritWarningError("Cross section is not poly/crv. Empty object result");
return NULL;
if (IP_IS_POLY_OBJ(Cross)) {
R = DOT_PROD(Cross -> U.Pl -> Plane, Dir);
if (APX_EQ(R, 0.0)) {
IritWarningError("Extrusion direction in cross-section plane. Empty object result");
return NULL;
/* Prepare two bases (update their plane normal to point INDISE): */
PBase1 = IPAllocPolygon(0, 0,
CopyVertexList(Cross -> U.Pl -> PVertex), NULL);
Pl = PBase2 = IPAllocPolygon(0, 0,
CopyVertexList(Cross -> U.Pl -> PVertex), PBase1);
V1 = V1Head = PBase2 -> PVertex;
do {
PT_ADD(V1 -> Coord, Dir, V1 -> Coord);
V1 = V1 -> Pnext;
while (V1 != NULL && V1 != V1Head);
if (R > 0.0) {
PLANE_COPY(PBase1 -> Plane, Cross -> U.Pl -> Plane);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
PBase2 -> Plane[i] = (-Cross -> U.Pl -> Plane[i]);
PBase2 -> Plane[3] = (-DOT_PROD(PBase2 -> Plane,
PBase2 -> PVertex -> Coord));
else {
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
PBase1 -> Plane[i] = (-Cross -> U.Pl -> Plane[i]);
PLANE_COPY(PBase2 -> Plane, Cross -> U.Pl -> Plane);
PBase2 -> Plane[3] = (-DOT_PROD(PBase2 -> Plane,
PBase2 -> PVertex -> Coord));
/* Now generate all the 4 corner polygon between the two bases: */
V1 = V1Head = PBase1 -> PVertex;
V2 = PBase2 -> PVertex;
PlIn = GenInsidePoly(PBase1);
VIn = PlIn -> PVertex;
do {
Pl = GenPolygon4Vrtx(V1 -> Coord, V1 -> Pnext -> Coord,
V2 -> Pnext -> Coord, V2 -> Coord, VIn -> Coord, Pl);
VIn = VIn -> Pnext;
V1 = V1 -> Pnext;
V2 = V2 -> Pnext;
while (V1 -> Pnext != NULL && V1 != V1Head);
PExtrude = GenPolyObject("", NULL, NULL);
PExtrude -> U.Pl = Pl;
/* Update all the polygon vertices normals. */
for (Pl = PExtrude -> U.Pl; Pl != NULL; Pl = Pl -> Pnext) {
V1 = V1Head = Pl -> PVertex;
do {
PT_COPY(V1 -> Normal, Pl -> Plane);
V1 = V1 -> Pnext;
while (V1 != NULL && V1 != V1Head);
return PExtrude;
else if (IP_IS_CRV_OBJ(Cross)) {
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
CagdDir.Vec[i] = Dir[i];
PExtrude = GenSRFObject(CagdExtrudeSrf(Cross -> U.Crvs, &CagdDir));
return PExtrude;
return NULL;
* Routine to create a pseudo polygon out of a given polygon such that each *
* vertex Vi is in the inside side of the corresponding edge ViVi+1 in the *
* given polygon. Used in polygon generation for EXTRUDE/SURFREV operations. *
* *
* Pl: Input polygon *
* *
* IPPolygonStruct *: Pseudo one. *
static IPPolygonStruct *GenInsidePoly(IPPolygonStruct *Pl)
int Axes;
RealType Dx, Dy;
PointType Pt;
MatrixType Mat;
IPPolygonStruct *PlIn;
IPVertexStruct *VHead, *V, *Vnext, *VInHead,
*VIn = NULL;
PlIn = IPAllocPolygon(0, 0, VInHead = NULL, NULL);
/* Generate transformation matrix to bring polygon to a XY parallel */
/* plane, and transform a copy of the polygon to that plane. */
GenRotateMatrix(Mat, Pl -> Plane);
/* We dont want to modify original! */
VHead = V = CopyVertexList(Pl -> PVertex);
Pl = IPAllocPolygon(0, 0, VHead, NULL);
do {
MatMultVecby4by4(V -> Coord, V -> Coord, Mat);
V = V -> Pnext;
while (V != NULL && V != VHead);
V = VHead;
do {
Vnext = V -> Pnext;
Dx = ABS(V -> Coord[0] - Vnext -> Coord[0]);
Dy = ABS(V -> Coord[1] - Vnext -> Coord[1]);
/* Prepare middle point. */
Pt[0] = (V -> Coord[0] + Vnext -> Coord[0]) / 2.0;
Pt[1] = (V -> Coord[1] + Vnext -> Coord[1]) / 2.0;
Pt[2] = V -> Coord[2];
/* If Dx > Dy fire ray in +Y direction, otherwise in +X direction */
/* and if number of intersections is even (excluding the given point */
/* itself) then that direction is the outside, otherwise, its inside.*/
Axes = (Dx > Dy ? 1 : 0);
if (CGPolygonRayInter(Pl, Pt, Axes) % 2 == 0) {
/* The amount we move along Axes is not of a big meaning as long */
/* as it is not zero, so MAX(Dx, Dy) guarantee non zero value... */
Pt[Axes] -= MAX(Dx, Dy);
else {
Pt[Axes] += MAX(Dx, Dy);
/* Now Pt holds point which is in the inside part of vertex V, Vnext.*/
/* Put it in the pseudo inside polygon PlIn: */
if (VInHead) {
VIn -> Pnext = IPAllocVertex(0, 0, NULL, NULL);
VIn = VIn -> Pnext;
else {
PlIn -> PVertex = VInHead = VIn = IPAllocVertex(0, 0, NULL, NULL);
PT_COPY(VIn -> Coord, Pt);
V = Vnext;
while (V != NULL && V != VHead);
VIn -> Pnext = VInHead;
IPFreePolygonList(Pl); /* Free copied (and trans.) vrtx list. */
/* Transform PlIn to the plane where original Pl is... */
if (!MatInverseMatrix(Mat, Mat)) /* Find the inverse matrix. */
IritFatalError("GenInsidePoly: Inverse matrix does not exits");
VIn = VInHead;
do {
MatMultVecby4by4(VIn -> Coord, VIn -> Coord, Mat);
VIn = VIn -> Pnext;
while (VIn != NULL && VIn != VInHead);
return PlIn;
* Routine to create a polygon out of a list of 4 vertices V1/2/3/4. *
* The fifth vertex is inside (actually, this is not true, as this point *
* will be in the positive part of the plane, which only locally in the *
* object...) the object, so the polygon's normal direction can be evaluated *
* uniquely. *
* No test is made to make sure the 4 points are co-planar... *
* The points are placed in order. *
* *
* V1, V2, V3, V4: Four vertices of the constructed polygon. *
* Vin: A vertex that can be assumed to be inside the *
* object for normal evaluation of the plane of polygon. *
* Pnext: Next is chain of polygons, in linked list. *
* *
* IPPolygonStruct *: The constructed polygon. *
static IPPolygonStruct *GenPolygon4Vrtx(VectorType V1,
VectorType V2,
VectorType V3,
VectorType V4,
VectorType Vin,
IPPolygonStruct *Pnext)
IPPolygonStruct *PPoly;
IPVertexStruct *V;
PPoly = IPAllocPolygon(0, 0, V = IPAllocVertex(0, 0, NULL, NULL), Pnext);
PT_COPY(V -> Coord, V1);
V -> Pnext = IPAllocVertex(0, 0, NULL, NULL); V = V -> Pnext;
PT_COPY(V -> Coord, V2);
V -> Pnext = IPAllocVertex(0, 0, NULL, NULL); V = V -> Pnext;
PT_COPY(V -> Coord, V3);
V -> Pnext = IPAllocVertex(0, 0, NULL, NULL); V = V -> Pnext;
PT_COPY(V -> Coord, V4);
V -> Pnext = PPoly -> PVertex; /* Make the Vertex list circular. */
IritPrsrUpdatePolyPlane2(PPoly, Vin); /* Update plane equation. */
IP_SET_CONVEX_POLY(PPoly); /* Mark it as convex polygon. */
return PPoly;
* Routine to create a polygon out of a list of 3vertices V1/2/3. *
* The fifth vertex is inside (actually, this is not true, as this point *
* will be in the positive part of the plane, which only locally in the *
* object...) the object, so the polygon's normal direction can be evaluated *
* uniquely. *
* No test is made to make sure the 4 points are co-planar... *
* The points are placed in order. *
* *
* V1, V2, V3: Three vertices of the constructed polygon. *
* Vin: A vertex that can be assumed to be inside the *
* object for normal evaluation of the plane of polygon. *
* Pnext: Next is chain of polygons, in linked list. *
* *
* IPPolygonStruct *: The constructed polygon. *
static IPPolygonStruct *GenPolygon3Vrtx(VectorType V1,
VectorType V2,
VectorType V3,
VectorType Vin,
IPPolygonStruct *Pnext)
IPPolygonStruct *PPoly;
IPVertexStruct *V;
PPoly = IPAllocPolygon(0, 0, V = IPAllocVertex(0, 0, NULL, NULL), Pnext);
PT_COPY(V -> Coord, V1);
V -> Pnext = IPAllocVertex(0, 0, NULL, NULL); V = V -> Pnext;
PT_COPY(V -> Coord, V2);
V -> Pnext = IPAllocVertex(0, 0, NULL, NULL); V = V -> Pnext;
PT_COPY(V -> Coord, V3);
V -> Pnext = PPoly -> PVertex; /* Make the Vertex list circular. */
IritPrsrUpdatePolyPlane2(PPoly, Vin); /* Update plane equation. */
IP_SET_CONVEX_POLY(PPoly); /* Mark it as convex polygon. */
return PPoly;
* Routine to update the Vertex Pt normal equation. The normal should point *
* InPt but should be perpendicular to the line Pt-PerpPt if Perpendicular is *
* TRUE. THe normal is normalized to a unit length. *
* *
* Normal: To update. *
* Pt: The normal belongs to this location. *
* InPt: To define the normal direction as InPt - Pt. *
* Perpendicular: If TRUE, Normal also perpedicular to PerpPt - Pt. *
* PerpPt: To define perpendicular relation as PerpPt - Pt. *
* *
* void *
static void UpdateVertexNormal(NormalType Normal,
PointType Pt,
PointType InPt,
int Perpendicular,
PointType PerpPt)
VectorType V1, V2;
PT_SUB(Normal, InPt, Pt);
if (Perpendicular) {
PT_SUB(V1, PerpPt, Pt);
GMVecCrossProd(V2, V1, Normal);
GMVecCrossProd(Normal, V2, V1);
* Routine to set the polygonal resolution (fineness). M
* Resolution sroutghly the number of edges a circular primitive will have M
* along the entire circle. M
* *
* Resolution: To set as new resolution for all primitve constructors. M
* *
* void M
* *
* PrimSetResolution, primitives, resolution M
void PrimSetResolution(int Resolution)
GlblResolution = MAX(Resolution, MIN_RESOLUTION);